Economic analysis

With long involvement in the theory and application of network economics, we are extremely experienced in the development of original methodologies for economic analysis. Regulators, policymakers and service providers seek our advice on a wide range of regulatory matters, including competition issues and the regulation of wholesale and retail pricing.

  • Regulatory service pricing and quality reviews
  • Competition and market dominance studies
  • Regulatory impact analysis
  • Productivity assessments
  • Consumer welfare analyses
  • Convergence
  • Microeconomic analysis / case studies
  • Interconnection studies
  • Universal service and access
  • Internet issues
  • Smart cities and smart grids

Access pricing

We prepared a regulatory submission on access pricing for a South East Asian operator, including detailed commentary on the regulator’s proposed costing principles and models for fixed access, interconnection, infrastructure sharing, co-location and mobile termination.

Competition analysis

We reviewed the extent to which broadcasters hold Significant Market Power (SMP) in an Asian country and as such would qualify for ex ante regulation.

Regulatory services

We provided interim regulatory services to the Government of Samoa. This included economic studies, advice on regulations and proposed amendments to the Telecommunications Act, and reviewing and advising on the future agenda for the Regulator.

Economic benefits of mobile broadband

On behalf of the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) we examined the role of the 2.5GHz spectrum band in the future deployment of mobile services in Australia. Following a review of both technology and market trends for mobile broadband services, we estimated the economic benefits of mobile broadband assuming availability of sufficient spectrum capacity to meet projected future demand.

Options for high-speed broadband in New Zealand

A study for InternetNZ, in which we investigated options for a New Zealand Broadband Infrastructure to provide high-speed broadband access to 75% of the population. We developed economic analyses for the two most appropriate models identified: public-private partnership and utility business expansion.

Cost benefit analysis of a submarine cable

We undertook an economic feasibility study, funded by the Asian Development Bank, of an international submarine cable for the Cook Islands.

International best practice regulatory tests

We compared approaches taken by European, Australian and New Zealand regulators in order to identify best practice for Regulatory Impact Assessments (RIAs), and the use of economic principles and tests to inform decision making processes for telecommunications services.

Universal service

We provided expert assistance with the New Zealand Commerce Commission’s TSO (universal service obligation) proceedings. One of our key achievements was the proposal of a scheme to use different wireless technologies to provide access to customers in unprofitable areas. Our analysis led the Commission to modify its methodology, delivering substantial annual savings for our client through a reduction in its TSO obligation.