Modelling techniques are our tools of trade for quantitative analysis, encompassing econometrics, statistics, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and spreadsheets. We estimate the value of businesses and spectrum, evaluate the economics of new technologies, and deliver regulatory models.
Regulatory cost modelling is one of our core competencies, undertaken by our team of economists and telecommunications engineers. We have developed more than 50 network cost models in various markets around the world, illustrating our strong background in techno-economic analysis.
Our modelling capabilities are coupled with an excellent ability to communicate results based on complex mathematical and engineering constructs to a non-technical audience.
- Econometrics / statistical modelling
- Regulatory cost modelling: Long run incremental costing (LRIC) for fixed and mobile networks; Regulated Asset Base (RAB) modelling
- Optimised Deprival Valuation
- Business modelling
- Geographical Information Systems (GIS)
- STEM modelling
Valuing spectrum
Network Strategies was a worldwide pioneer in the use of incremental Optimised Deprival Value (ODV) approach for spectrum valuation. In one of the first instances of this approach we calculated the renewal offer price of spectrum management rights for cellular services in the 800MHz and 900MHz bands in New Zealand.
Mobile operator business modelling
Comprehensive financial model of a mobile network operator for a consortium of investors seeking additional partners in the venture and for use in negotiation with the potential investment target.
Demand for fibre broadband
Market model of the likely penetration and uptake profile by residential and business customers of a new regional fibre deployment. Our model encompassed a set of different competitive scenarios, and we identified key marketing strategies in order to secure the forecast uptake profile.
Wholesale business impact model
A business impact model to estimate the effect of various business strategies for wholesale products of an incumbent Asia-Pacific operator. The model encompassed a wide range of key wholesale and retail services, allowing the operator to explore different pricing principles, margins and costs.
Access network costing
For a European incumbent operator a quantitative study of access network costs to produce a set of reliable evidence for regulatory negotiations on retail and wholesale line rental and LLU prices.
LRIC modelling of FWA services
In a New Zealand regulatory pricing review we developed a LRIC model to calculate the average cost per line for an LTE Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) service in the 700MHz band.
Fixed network regulatory cost modelling
For an Asian operator, we developed a bottom-up engineering model of its fixed access network to calculate the cost of voice and data services – both for legacy networks and over an next generation network (NGN).
GIS modelling of broadband rollout
We developed a sophisticated GIS model for a Government Ministry planning to invest in rural broadband coverage. The model was used to prioritise the rollout of infrastructure on a regional basis, identify any synergies with other network projects, and facilitate cost/benefit analysis of options and scenarios, as well as to establish appropriate locations of key infrastructure nodes.
Estimating prices for mobile termination access services
Development of a bottom-up mobile model for use in regulatory proceedings to determine the price of mobile termination access services in an Asian country.
Regulated Asset Base modelling for electricity networks
On behalf of Vector, the largest Electricity Distributor in New Zealand, we examined different approaches to assist the regulator to identify the most appropriate methodologies for forecasting changes in capital and operating expenditure for its Regulated Asset Base (RAB) model. Using econometric analysis, we developed a number of suitable models for forecasting purposes and recommended the best models in terms of fit and performance.